1. Asian eyelid surgery – Asian blepharoplasty
Asian (East Asian) eyelid surgery, also known as “double eyelid surgery”, is a cosmetic surgical method to reconstruct the skin of the upper eyelid.
Dion Paridaens, PhD MD, Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon,
2. Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society
13 dec 2013 · 이우석⋅문상정⋅이경헌⋅이동준 ... surgery for 30 eyes that required cataract surgery and had previously undergone refractive surgery.
Keywords :Corneal refractive power;IOL power calculation;Refractive surgery
3. Adorable and wide eyes, JK's Trimming surgery . JK plastic ...
JK Plastic Surgery performs 'Magic Epicanthoplasty' to make an incision in the epicanthus to complete the cool and soft eyes in a way that does not expose the ...
JK Plastic Surgery is good at front, back and base. Korea's only plastic surgery clinic certified by the Korean government
4. Oculoplastic - international eye center Dr. Eiad Al Ryahy - مركز العيون الدولي
Bevat niet: 이동준 | Resultaten tonen met:이동준
International Eye Center for Ophthalmology and Surgery in Jordan offers the latest technologies that improve vision in the world.
5. 학회발표논문 :: 부산성모안과병원
제목, 4가지 각막곡률측정 시스템을 이용한 굴절교정수술 후 인공수정체도수계산법 비교. 저자, 이우석·문상정·이경헌·이동준. 학술지명, 대한안과학회지.
Please prove that you are human.
6. EYE RESHAPING SURGERY - link plastic surgery
Bevat niet: 이동준 | Resultaten tonen met:이동준
LINK Plastic Surgery is the first and most comprehensive hospital dedicated to offering the best plastic surgery in Korea. We specialize in treating both domestic Korean and overseas patients. We have been consistent in successfully practicing cosmetic surgery procedures such as primary and revision eye-reshaping surgery & rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and body liposuction. You can select any specialist according to your medical needs, and our foreign language-speaking coordinators will comfortably assist you.
7. Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society
15 dec 2014 · 박재홍⋅이경헌⋅이동준: Busan Sungmo Eye Hospital, Busan, Korea ... METHODS: Femtosecond laser cataract surgery was performed in 30 eyes ...
Keywords :Capsulotomy;Circularity;Femtosecond cataract surgery
8. [해외논문] Major eye surgery on an outpatient basis.
[해외논문] Major eye surgery on an outpatient basis. Medical trial ... 이동준 (서울과학기술대학교 건설시스템공학과) , 이선미 (서울과학기술대학교 ...
관리번호, 논문명, 저널/프로시딩명, 저자 , 발행년, 권, 호, 시작페이지, 끝페이지, 발행기관
9. 펨토초레이저 백내장 수술과 고식적 백내장 수술에서 수정체낭원형절개 ...
대상과 방법: 펨토초레이저 백내장 수술을 받은 30명 30안과 고식적 백내장 수술 환자 30명 30안을 대상으로 술 후 1개월에 전안부광간섭 단층촬영기를 이용하여 CCC의 ...
Comparison of Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis Parameters between Femtosecond Laser and Conventional Cataract Surgery - Capsulotomy;Circularity;Femtosecond cataract surgery