ePortal Overview
Case information can be accessed through Marin Superior Court’s ePortal. ePortal allows users to perform case and calendar searches. A case search provides access to public cases and displays Party Information, Future Events, and more. A calendar search allows a user to see what matters are on calendar and filter by specific date(s), case type, and courtroom.To access documents in ePortal, you must have Party Access or Attorney Access in your case(s).
To access ePortal, users will need to create an account. Please review "ePortal Access" below.
ePortal Access
ePortal has three different levels of access: Attorney Access, Party Access, and Public Access. See below for more information and how to register an ePortal account.
ePortal Registration for Attorneys
Attorneys can register with ePortal by following the instructions here:ePortal – Attorney Registration. Attorneys will be able to viewFiled DocumentsandMinute Recordsif they have registeredandare granted Attorney Access by the Court, see instructions below on how to obtain Attorney Access. Attorney access allows more case information than a “Public Access” account.
Email Address: The Court is required to verify user access (Rule 2.519 Remote access by a party’s attorney & Rule 2.523 Identity verification, identity management, and user access)and is doing so with the California State Bar website. When registering your ePortal account use thesame emailas on the California State Bar website. Your emailmustmatch with the Court’s information to be granted Attorney access.
Invitation Link: After registering with ePortal, you will receive a welcome email with a one-time-login link that expires after 24 hours. Should the link expire, please emailportaladmin@marin.courts.ca.govand request that a new welcome email be generated.
If you are the attorney of record in a case with Marin County Superior Court, you can request Attorney Access by completing our online form.
ePortal Registration for Parties
ePortal developments are currently underway to include Party Access. Parties will be able to view Filed Documents and Minute Records once they have registered and are granted Party Access by the Court. While this feature undergoes its final touches, we appreciate your patience - and please continue to check back here for future updates. In the interim, parties can continue using ePortal with Public Access.
Court Records Division: Do note that ePortal is an optional alternative to viewing your court records digitally. If for any reason you are unable to view your court records/documents via ePortal, you can still access your court records/documents in the Court Records Divisionlocated in room 113 of the courthouse.
ePortal Registration for the Public
Members of the public can register for an ePortal account with Public Access by following the instructions here: ePortal – Public Registration. Members of the public will be able to search for general case information and search the court calendar using ePortal. Please note that certain case information, such as minute records and copies of documents filed with the court, are not available through ePortal for accounts with Public Access. To view PDF documents on ePortal you need either Attorney Access or Party Access.
Invitation Link: After registering with ePortal, you will receive a welcome email with a one-time-login link that expires after 24 hours. Should the link expire, please emailportaladmin@marin.courts.ca.govand request that a new welcome email be generated.
Court Records Division: Do note that ePortal is an optional alternative to viewing your court records digitally. If for any reason you are unable to view your court records/documents via ePortal, you can still access your court records/documents in the Court Records Division located in room 113 of the courthouse.
Go to ePortal
ePortal Navigation
My Cases and Navigation
If you have been granted attorney and/or party access, your cases will be viewable under the “My Cases” tab. Click the View Case button to view the desired case. ePortal displays case information through the following tabs, click the tab name for an explanation of what information is available.
Shows any Judicial disqualifications, parties, and future events.
Shows Case and SubCase filing dates and disposition information.
Shows party information—names, akas, representation, custody, bail, and party status.
Shows the documents filed-filing date, document description, and filing party. Attorney or Party Access gives you the option of viewing the PDF’s of the document records.
Shows any exhibits that have been added to the case. The exhibits can be associated with a specific event.
Shows past and future events (hearings). If the event contains a Minute Record, Attorney or Party Access allows you to download the PDF.
Shows any Appeal subcase information. It will display the date of filing, as well as any disposition information.
Shows the transfer order date, receiving or sending court, and the other court’s case number.
Shows any special statuses that have been added by the Court.